Please play the Bud radio ad music as you read that title in your head, those crack me up. Personal favorite was the ode to the coffee barista. “You have the balls to put out a tip jar after charging 4 dollars for a cup of coffee. Thanks a latte barista, this Buds for you!
Does anyone else loose HOURS of their life to brickbreaker, ya know, the crackberry game? Seriously, hours of my life have been spent hitting that ball into bricks.
I finally “beat” brick breaker, meaning I made it through all 34 levels. And do you know what happened? NOTHING! No little men playing instruments like in tetris, no fireworks and sorry your princess is in another castle like in Mario, no awards ceremony like in Mario Kart. The game just starts itself over. You go back to level 1 and start going through it again. I am not sure I have ever has such an unsatisfying “win” in my entire life. I love to win.
I have completely redeemed myself after the gnocchi faux pas! I made some delicious tri tip into tacos with my amazing crock-pot! I simply dropped a bunch of seasonings, onion, beef broth and tri tip into the crock-pot, in the morning while applying mascara and nylons, and when I returned home from work dinner had prepared itself! Incredible!
Here’s the recipe:
Tri tip
1 Onion
Enough Pappy’s Meat Seasoning that you are concerned you should wash the tri tip off because you have definitely applied too much seasoning
3 glug-glugs out of the box of Swanson’s LOW SODIUM beef broth. Low sodium is important because you already added too much sodium with the abundance of Pappys.
We made tacos with the tri tip. Bryan ate 6 tacos. I would like to say this happened because of my delicious cooking, but in honesty, he is a human garbage disposal. He probably would have eaten the gnocchi had I let him.
My boyfriend is addicted to brickbreaker. I always get annoyed when he plays... apparently I tickled him once at his all time high level 31 and made him lose. I don't know if he's forgiven me yet :)